

I received this email yesterday

hi angela

i just want to let u know on a personal basis how proud you should be of aden
yesterday i dont know how many parents came up to me giving aden a big wrap
he has a group of young boys that totally admire him and he is a great mentor for them

many people commented on his reffing ability and i just thought i would let you know all this because many people are quick to tell us when our children stuff up but not the good things
so from one mum to another be proud he is a top kid.
It brought a tear to my eye! It is so nice to for this person to take the time to contact me and give me this feedback about my child. Sometime people are so quick to criticise and let you know if they do something wrong. Mark and I are so very proud of him.
He also won a team award at presentations (which we couldn't get to ) and things are falling into place for him and rightly so!
had an Easter challenge this week. Sneaky Bilby hid clues in the forum for us to find. The clues (some, were NOT that easy to find) told us what the LO should have on it. Here is my entry. This is Christie with my brother her Uncle Steven whom she adores (although she doesn't look it in the photo LOL) The photo was taken in 1991 so they have both changed a lot since then. The pp is MME Laundry Line just gorgeous. the photo doesn't do it justice.

see ya:)


time to myself...yay!

Today we went to Lachlan's domestic basketball grand final and after a pretty hard and even match, the boys come away with a win! They were pretty happy with themselves, particularly as they are all bar one, bottom age players. It was an exciting match to watch and I thought they weren't going to win for a while there.
The boys went to the Men's Jets game and Christie went to her friend's 18th and I was home alone! OMG it was fantastic! I got Christie's apple and watched 2 dvds and had a glass of red and I was in heaven. :)
The journalling has to go on this LO :- As you embark on a new phase of your life, remember that you will only get out of this adventure, what you put in. So try your hardest and reap the rewards. OR something like that! The only thing is I don't know where to put it now.... If I put it on the right, It will look too heavy :( might put it on the left round the blocks. Anyway really crappy photo (well it IS 1.40 am) couldn't be bothered waiting for better light tomorrow. take my word for it the Marakesh orange is divine and the PP is just beautiful IRL.
A little thank you card for Lachlan's team manager and a birthday card for my stash. productive night.
Oh may have wondered what the hell the geese and ducks were doing in my previous post. Well they are residents of our school! They think they own the joint and well...actually they do! If you run over one whist driving your kiddies to school well I reckon they would put your name in the newsletter and expel your child! seriously. They came over to the oval during the athletics carnival and kept going on the track! it was hilarious well it kept ME entertained between events anyway......
going to bed now
see you later :)
PS A little picture of Molly because she is soooo cute!


Busy day again today!

Why does everything have to happen on a Friday!!!????? That is my only day where I can scrap and NOT feel guilty that I haven't washed, vacuumed, dusted, blah blah blah. Today Aden Lachlan & Patrick all had their interschool athletics carnivals at two different places (!) I spent the day driving from one place to the other to watch them compete in all their events. It cost me a fortune in KFC lunches, powerades (good for hydration mum!) and natural food co. snakes & water!!!
Patrick was only in long jump. Don't know how! I think he has only ever jumped 4 times in his life! anyway he jumped and came equal second! I couldn't believe it and neither could he! anyway he was pleased with himself.
Aden was in the 1500 and didn't look right from the start, I thought maybe he was injured or something but no he was fine and finished 4th. He was also in the 800 and finished 2nd and will compete at CAS.
Lachlan was in the 100 m 4 x 100 relay and long jump. He ditched his 100m (gave it to someone else) because, "I am a distance runner mum!" and as you can see from the photo below...........his heart wasn't really in the relay!

Don't know how he came in the LJ as I couldn't see it from where I was sitting. 4th I think he said. Very happy they compete and have fun and enjoy themselves.

Going to my friend's daughter's 18th on Sunday and I made this card yesterday. It matches the acceptance I made (a few posts ago) I also made the box to put her little prezzie in. Doesn't match because I cannot find the paper anywhere ugg! A nice surprise as I saw on 3 Angels Scrapping today that the card and the acceptance got Layout of the week! woo hoo.

anyway take care

see ya :)


I do love a challenge..

If anything it does MAKE me get some LO's done. I have been doing a bit of blog hopping and on my fav blog the very talented Nat (just love everything she does!) and noticed a cool site called Colour Combos Galore. They give a colour combo challenge each week and show you the colours to use and their DT's show theirs and voila! This week was cloud blue, apple evergreen, dusty pink and choc malt. You can use any amount of each colour but you have to use each colour. You have a week to join in. This is perfect for me! enter if I want OR not! anyway I did this last night. Not too happy with the photo colour it is a bit more vibrant IRL. This was Patrick's first Christmas Day aww!
anyway quicky today
see ya ;)


ha ha ha

Thought this was really funny when I read it and identified with it! Really busy here with the end of term! Running around like a chook! without a head! Went out for dinner with my basketball buddies last night and I had a lovely time just relaxing (what's that!) and having a champers! I cannot wait for school holidays so I can just get all my jobs done in one go without having to pick someone up or drop someone off! and the day doesn't finish at 3.30 pm.

Trying to get semi fit for the RUN FOR THE KIDS in two weeks! I usually shuffle along a la Cliff Young style but this year I have added a few extra kilos and I have done NO preparation. 14.2 ks I can feel the pain already..........


A little more swimming news!

Aden and Lachlan swam at the CAS swimming sports on Tuesday night and I was really proud of both of them. Aden swam a beautiful free and breaststroke and came 3rd in both and second in his free relay. Lachlan, who has claimed backstroke as his new best stroke came 2nd in back, 3rd in free and breast. I am thrilled that considering, they only really swim once a year, they do OK.
Patrick and I headed off to zone swimming on Wednesday and was in two individual events. So proud of Partick, he did a PB in his freestyle and came 4th and his breaststroke after a shaky start came 5th. We didn't have to wait around for the finals nor a relay so we headed off for a lovely lunch date together! (had to celebrate my 20 years with somebody!) Patrick decided to reward himself with a Wii game and we headed home.
We were going to go out for dinner, but with all the running around, there is never really a good time. I cooked a beautiful roast (and for those who know me......It REALLY was nice! ya can't stuff up a roast!) and we will probably head out for dinner on Sat night. I got the kids to take some photos of Mark & I. I have found that I like to be at the back (makes me look skinnier!) and I push Mark forward, makes my head look smaller! We must have taken 15 photos and I look crap in all of them....The day I take a nice photo I am having it blown up and framed!
anyway here a few of the better ones.

I got my hands on a copy of the new Stampin' Up catalogue. OMG it is fantastic! I want it all. Had a quick look and had about 22 things on my wish list! There are some fantastic samples in there as well. Like I need anything else! I have decided to clean out my scrap cupboard. I have found things that I'd forgotten I'd bought! I am trying to be an organised person but let me tell you......I am failing miserably. There are some things that you just can't change!

Anyway back to the cleaning...:(


20 years ago today........

I married my childhood sweetheart! 4 children, 1 dog & 1 cat later and still extremely happy! Happy Anniversary sweetie! xxxxx


Whew.....busy weekend that!....

I attended my last Primary School sports day! I have attended 14 of them! and at 14 of them I have gotten sunburn! what the! I left my camera along with my hat and sunscreen on the bench so I wouldn't forget and I just grabbed my camera! I only had my point and shoot as Aden took my precious baby (the 450D) to the airshow. Patrick had a great time, he had a few responsibilities being school captain but a bit disappointed the red house came 3rd :( Gold house won this year.
Aden went to the Airshow on Friday and had the time of his life! He took the baby and used 2gb of memory! if he had more, he would have used it I am sure! It has renewed his love of flying and he has his heart set on being a pilot again! Good luck to him.

Patrick and Lachlan went to 3 parties on the weekend. Gone are the days when you buy a little present, no $20 in a card is the expected norm! So I am $60 poorer.
Christie & Tom celebrated their one year anniversary on Saturday! Christie bought 2 Kings of Leon tickets for him as he gave away his original ticket when he realised it was the same day as the anniversary. A costly present, but he was surprised and loved the concert.
On the craft side, I made two envelope acceptance cards for an 18th and wedding we are going to. The wedding invites are green and white, so I kept with that theme. I was quite happy with them.

anyway off to clean......what is new!

see ya :)


just tidy it up............

I asked my hubby to trim the hydrangeas because every time I walked passed them, I would flick the person behind me and it was annoying with the flowers hanging over the walkway!...... Well let him alone with secateurs and WATCH OUT! not sure if it even is the right time to cut them back! They weren't that good anyway, ever since a stupid person put some lime in the soil they have been rubbish! When we moved in they were magnificent......anyway.

Haven't really had any time to be creative! just a few cards and LO's. I sent a thank you card to the school for the lovely flowers (that are still booming lovely!) a quicky I swear!

A couple of LO. I love wordle I have used it for Patrick's grade 6 book and I will show later.

I have finished a couple of acceptance cards and I shall upload later (after they have been posted). Got a terrible headache so going to get off now.

see you later :)


It was such a nice surprise

to receive these lovely flowers from St.Anne's Primary School for helping with the swimming sports. I have been involved now for the last 10 years and it is time to hand over the reins! It is not a hard job, but it is very time consuming and especially when parents (who think their children are better than they are!) blast you for not putting their kiddies in certain events! I have loved doing it and especially being involved with the fantastic staff at the school. I won't miss the early morning training sessions though!
A little LO of Lach and his obsession with his blankie when he was little. I desperately wanted to use this photo of Lachlan, but I didn't want his brothers in the photo. I am happy that I have learned to use the healing tool. I can't find the original on the computer atm, but I will upload later and show the before and after shots.
see you later :)


Yay Patrick!

We had our Primary Interschool sports yesterday and yay that was my last one ever! I was really pleased with Patrick, he finished first in his breaststroke and freestyle races and his free relay team finished 3rd. The weather was really nice compared to last year! it was nice and warm and it was finished by 7.30 pm so that was fantastic. I think I slept like a log last night and now that it is finally over I can get back to some normality around here now! and some scrapping maybe!