

Be Unique

Crikey! I look at this photo of my youngest boy and he has changed so much!!  He is 15 now and not the baby faced boy here!  He is such a funny kid and so very different from my other children.  He has a great sense of humour and very quick witted.  He has the ability to have people in stitches while keeping a straight face.  I still think of him as a baby though....much to his disgust!

Scrapbook Boutique has all the products in store and a list of instructions on how to recreate this LO.
I had lots of fun with the embossing powder again and my Crafter's Workshop mask.

thanks for popping in x

1 comment:

Helen Kinsela said...

Long time no visit, I know (my bad) but LOVING your work. Your cards are just amazing as always. Hope you had a great summer break.