

Giving Thanks at The Pink Elephant

I am sorry for this late post, but I have actually typed this out a dozen times (oh well maybe NOT a dozen) but a LOT! and I cannot actually seem to publish it!!! My other post was HUGE and lost it all! And at a time where I am just too busy for this NOT HAPPY JAN!!! (Aussie saying for O/S readers!!! LOL)
So here we go again..........fingers crossed everyone!
The Pink Elephant are having a "giving thanks" week and although I didn't get around to a LO :( I did get a card done!  I do have so much to be thankful for <3
I am saying my Hail Mary as I am about to push the publish button! wish me luck and If it works I will be back later tonight to finish the rest.......


Angela said...


alethea said...

YAY!! It worked!!! Card looks fantastic!!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

This is a stunning card!
Kim xXx

Barb Craft said...

This is a beautiful, elegant card! I am glad blogger finally let you share it with us!
barb :)